It was Feb of 2017 when I first connected with Sai Swaroopa. Told with great sensitivity and passion, this book brings alive a character of epic proportions that resonates with every reader across space and time.more One of the most unforgettable characters of the Mahabharata, Draupadi shows what a woman is capable of. Yet she stands up to it all-never succumbing, never breaking. Complicated marital relationships, a meteoric rise and a fateful loss, humiliation unheard of and a pledge of revenge, all culminating in a bloody war-her ordeal seemed never-ending. Witnessing estrangement and betrayal within her own family makes her perceptive and intuitive beyond her years. Born out of the sacred fire, Draupadi is no ordinary woman, and her destiny cannot be to walk the beaten path. Complicated marita Being born a princess, and raised by a loving father and three doting brothers would make life seem like a bed of roses to any woman. Being born a princess, and raised by a loving father and three doting brothers would make life seem like a bed of roses to any woman.