And in the bargain you do not have phase measurement.(Last I knew?) If you think phase is not that important for impedance then have a chat with anyone over at QSC or Crown. For example measuring impedance for both magnitude and phase is as much a part of Praxis as is Impulse Response.

I am not that familiar with SAT live or even Smaart compared to Praxis, but I can easily tell a lot about the person who wrote it and specifically what they consider important. In my opinion both are great 'handmade' programs with some kind of 'personal' touch, which indicates that the initial reason for their development was not a marketing survey or the interesst to become rich and famous with it. I think that your favorite FFT program (which I'd consider to be much more than just an other FFT software) and SATlive belong to 'Also running', which means that they are not dead at the moment. That said I am sure you did not design SAT Live because you were sure you would make millions and take the world by storm I am glad to hear you are selling some product. Thomas Neumann wrote on Wed, 27 August 2008 15:32Īnd as you well know I include my favorite FFT program in the "also ran" category.