However, Miles’s nature as an anomaly could help him avoid losing his father and seeing his reality blip out of existence. Since Miles’s father is about to become captain, he makes it his quest to prevent this tragic fate, despite the possibility of his universe’s destruction. The second film established that the Spider-Person of each universe is bound to experience “canon events,” which include losing a loved one who is a police captain. Miles is immune to fate Sony Pictures Animation They could even team up against Miguel, as well as the Spot. Just as he helped his uncle defy the Kingpin, Miles could make his variant see the error of his ways. While it seems like Spider-Man and the Prowler will battle one last time in the next film, it is possible that Miles will help his alternate self turn over a new leaf. Though he begs his darker variant to help save his father, the latter isn’t keen on doing so. But Miles is horrified to learn that he is the Prowler in this reality instead of his Uncle Aaron. Across the Spider-Verse ends with Miles being captured by the Prowler on Earth-42 after accidentally traveling to his universe.